Daisy A Day Caller Name
Kuniko Kawashima
Caller Name
Hiroma Kaneko

Circle Left
He remembers the first time he met ‘er
He remembers the first thing she said

Boys Star by the Right, one time you go
Allemande Left your Corner, Weave the Ring
I'll give you a daisy a day, dear
Swing that guy and Promenade
I'll love you until the rivers run still
And the four winds we know blow away


Sides face, Grand Square
They would walk down the street in the evenin'
And for years I would see them go by
And their love that was more than the clothes that they wore
Could be seen in the gleam of their eye

Allemande and Weave
As a kid they would take me for candy
Swing your gal and Promenade
We'd hold hands while we walked to the corner
And the old man would sing ‘er his


Four Boys Promenade go inside
Back home and Swing, everybody Swing
Join hands and Circle Left, walkin' around
Allemande with the Corner, Weave the Ring
[Remainder same as opener]


Heads / Sides Promenade, go halfway
Walk in, Pass the Ocean, Extend
Swing Thru, two by two, Boys Run Right
Bend the Line, Reverse Flutterwheel
Go Forward and Back, Slide Thru
Swing your Corner, Promenade
I'll love you until the rivers run still
And the four winds we know blow away


And the four winds we know blow away