Sweet Baby Jane
(Male version, key Bb)
Caller Name
Ted Kennedy

All 4 Ladies Chain, chain, turn 'em by the left and then
Chain those Ladies back again
Join hands, Circle to the Left around you know
Left Allemande and Weave the Ring
Welcome to the sunshine sweet baby Jane
Dosado, Promenade
Memories of bumblebees and honeysuckle vine
Welcome to the sunshine sweet baby Jane


Head/Side couples Square Thru 4 hands around you know
Round the corner do the DoSaDo
Swing Thru, Spin the Top, Then Right & Left Thru,
Square Thru 3/4 round, the corner lady Swing
Swing this girl, Promenade
Memories of bumblebees and honeysuckle vine
Welcome to the sunshine sweet baby Jane


Welcome to the sunshine sweet baby Jane