Good Luck Charm Caller Name
Yumiko Ishihara
Caller Name
Mitchell Osawa
(Courtesy Elite Records)

Circle Left
Don't want a four-leaf clover
Don't want an old horse shoe

The Men Star Right once around at night
Left Allemande, Weave the Ring
Come on, be my little good luck charm
Uh huh huh, you sweet delight
I want a good luck charm a-hangin' on my arm
To have, to hold tonight

Calls go here
Lyrics Go Here

Break Lyrics

Don't want a silver dollar
A rabbit's foot on my string


Sides face, Grand Square
If I found a lucky penny
I'd toss it across the bay
Your love is worth all the gold on earth

Left Allemande and Weave
(Remainder same as opener)

FIGURE 1 & 4

Heads/Sides Square Thru, go 4 hands go on
The Corner Swing Thru and then
Boys Run Right, Tag the Line all the way
Come on and Square Thru, 3/4 round
Swing her there, Promenade
I want a good luck charm a-hangin' on my arm
To have, to hold, tonight

FIGURE 2 & 3

Heads/Sides Square Thru, go 4 hands
'Round the Corner girl
Swing Thru, Boys Run Right
Couples Circulate, Chain Down the Line
Come on Star Thru, Pass Thru, Trade By
Swing that Corner, Promenade
I want a good luck charm a-hangin' on my arm
To have, to hold, tonight


To have, to hold, tonight