Harmony by Brent Mawdsley
Caller Name
Steve Edlund
Caller Name
Brent Mawdsley

Circle Left
Could I lean on you, Leona?
Could I rest here for awhile?

Walk Around That Corner, See Saw your own
Allemande Left and Weave
Could I lean on you, Leona?
Swing that lady, Promenade
Could I lean on you, Leona?
Would you help me till I'm strong?


Four Boys Promenade one time
Get back and Swing your partner round
Join hands and Circle Left now
Allemande Left and Weave the ring
[Remainder same as opener]


Heads (Sides) Square Thru 4 hands
All the way and Make a Wave and Girls Trade
Recycle round now Veer Left
Ferris Wheel around that ring
Centers, Pass Thru, Slide Thru 
Just the Boys, Scoot Back
Swing that corner and Promenade
And every time I've ever stumbled
You picked me up on my way down


Would you help me till I'm strong?