A Taste Of The Wind
Female version (key D)
Caller Name
Nelda Eaton

Circle Left
Way down in the valley,
Way down Mexico way

Walk Around your Corner – See Saw Your Own,
Men Star Right one time
Pass your Partner by - Allemande Left with the Corner
Come back and All Promenade
My empty heart and my tears – are the price that I paid
For a taste of the wind


Sides Face, Grand Square
A taste of the wind – Can buy all the freedom I thought I’d find
A taste of the wind – Can make up for old friends

(Allemande Left and Weave that ring)
A taste of the wind – Can bring back the man that once was mine
My empty heart and my tears – are the price that I paid
For a taste of the wind


Heads Square Thru – 4 Hands you go
Make a RH Star – Turn it once around you know
Heads to the middle with a Left Hand Star 
To the same two – Slide Thru
Square Thru – Go 3
Swing your Corner girl and Promenade her for me
I traded his love – when – I needed to roam
For a taste of the wind


Swing your own
Way Down in the Valley
Way Down Mexico Way