Alabama Caller Name
Dan Nordbye

Circle Left
Oh, drinkin' was forbidden in my Christian family home
Walk Around that Corner girl, then Box The Gnat you know
Ladies Promenade inside, once around that ring
Box the Gnat at home, then you Weave around that Ring
And my home's in Alabama
Swing your man and you Promenade
'Cause my home's in Alabama
Southern born and Southern bred

Break Lyrics

I learned to play the flat top on those good ol' gospel songs


Heads/Sides Promenade and take 'em half around that ring
Down the middle and Square Thru, 4 hands around I sing
When you get all done, then you gonna do the Right & Left Thru
Veer to the Left and now you Ferris Wheel around you do
And now you Square Thru, 3/4 'round now
Swing that Corner, Promenade
My home's in Alabama
Southern born and Southern bred


Lyrics Probably Go Here