Heart Over Mind Caller Name
Tac Ozaki
Caller Name
Mitchell Osawa
(Courtesy Elite Records)
Caller Name
Kumi Takahashi

Circle Left
You’ve got me, heart over mind, worried all the time
Men star right one time around tonight,
Allemande left the corner, Weave the ring
You’ll keep hurting me I know, but I just can’t let you go
‘Cause my heart won’t let my love for you change

FIGURE 1 & 3

Heads Promenade go half way,
Sides Right and left thru and slide thru,
All Double pass thru, Cloverleaf, Zoom, Centers Pass thru,
Touch 1/4, Scoot back, Swing and Promenade
Then all my thoughts of leavin’ do no good

Alternate lyric:
And I still hope there’s some chance for us yet

FIGURE 2 & 4

Heads/Sides face, Grand Square
I love you so much that I can't leave you
Even though my mind tells me I should
, Heads Square thru 4
But then you make me think you really want me
Swing, Promenade
Then all my thoughts of leavin’ do no good

Alternate lyrics:
Now friends tell me they see you out with others
And in my heart I try hard to forget
But you come home and tell me you still love me
And I still hope there’s some chance for us yet


‘Cause my heart won’t let my love for you change