Do You Right Tonight Caller Name
Dan Nordbye
Caller Name
Ken Bower
(Courtesy Blue Star Music)

Here's where the 4 little Ladies gonna Promenade, you get a once around that ring
You're gonna come on back and Swing your honey, get around and around I sing
You gonna join up hands and Circle Left, get a walkin' 'round the square
Allemande the Corner of the hall and you Weave around from there
Oh, I'm gonna dance you right tonight
Swing a little girl and then you gonna Promenade, say "All right!"
Well, sit right back and ease your mind
Honey, I'm gonna take my time and
I'm...gonna dance you right tonight

Break Lyrics

'...' placed here means 'repeat the corresponding line of the opener section'
Lyrics Go Here

Closer Lyrics

'...' placed here means 'repeat the corresponding line of the opener section'
Lyrics Go Here


Well, the Head/Side two couples gonna Promenade, go half around that ring
Come on in and Pass Thru with a Partner Trade I sing
Put a Left hand in and make a Left Hand Star and roll to the corners go
DoSaDo with the Corner, once around you know
Swing Thru, Boys will Trade
Girl Turn Back, take her by the hand and all will Promenade
Sit right back and ease your mind
Honey, I'm gonna take my time and
I'm...gonna dance you right tonight


Yeah, I'm...gonna dance you right tonight