America The Beautiful Caller Name
Dan Nordbye

Circle Left
Oh beautiful, for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain

Allemande Left with the Corner, Turn your Partner Right
Men Star by the Left inside
Turn your Partner by the Right and you go Left Allemande
Come back, Swing your girl and you Promenade
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea

Note: key change on closer

Heads Square Thru in the middle and you count 'em 'round the ring
Let's make a Right Hand Star
Well the Heads Star Left in the middle a full turn around
To the same two do the Right & Left Thru
Oh, you Swing Thru and then you Swing Thru again
Swing the Corner lady and you Promenade
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea


From sea to shining sea