God Bless America Caller Name
Lawrence Johnstone

Circle Left
God Bless America, land that I love
Boys Star Right, go once around now
Left Allemande the Corner, Weave the Ring
From the mountains, to the prairies
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home


Sides face, Grand Square
Fourscore and seven years ago,
Our fathers brought forth on this continent
A new nation
Conceived in liberty
And dedicated to the proposition
That ALL men are created equal!

4 Ladies Promenade, one time around there
Swing that guy you left and Promenade
God bless America, my home sweet home

FIGURE (Appropriate for CALLERLAB Basic or SDS 50 programs)

Heads/Sides Lead Right, Circle to a Line
Star Thru, Dive Thru
Centers Pass Thru, Swing Thru
Boys Circulate, Boys Run Right
Ferris Wheel, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru
Swing the Corner, Promenade
God bless America, my home sweet home


God bless America, my home sweet home