Amazing Caller Name
Nelda Eaton

Sides face, Grand Square
I may dream but I don't care
There's someone right for me out there
I've got a lot of love to share
And love will lead me on

Allemande and Weave
It's amazing it's amazing
Swing your girl and Promenade her on home
All this time I've been saving
This amazing love for you

Closer Lyrics

I feel the future
Falling into line
And I know it's getting
Closer all the time
It's amazing it's amazing
I've spent my life star-gazing
All this time I've been saving
This amazing love for you


4 Boys Promenade – once inside
Get back home and Swing with that girl
Join your hands – you Circle Left and then
Left Allemande and you Weave
It's amazing it's amazing
Swing your girl and Promenade her on home
All this time I've been saving
This amazing love for you


Heads/Sides Square Thru – 4 hands you go
Meet that Corner  – DoSaDo
Touch 1/4 then – Walk and Dodge my friend
Partner Trade and do the Right and Left Thru
Flutterwheel Across – Slide Thru and Swing
Swing that Corner girl and Promenade that old ring
All this time I've been saving
This amazing love for you 


This amazing love for you