Female version (key D#)
Caller Name
Nelda Eaton

Circle Left
In old Mexico I stand on the square in Matamoras
Allemande Left that Corner – Dosado
Allemande Left and Weave that Ring
I found love not long ago, down in Matamoras
With eyes black as midnight he made my heart skip a beat

Break Lyrics

Across the square with that wild senorita I see him
Fate may take a whirl when I face this girl in Matamoras
But the love of my man is the one thing that I'll never share


Sides face, Grand Square
I still feel the strains of the haunting refrains of Granada
He once called it our song and vowed he'd be mine forever more

Allemande Left and Weave
Now I walk in the night far away from the lights of Matamoras
He wonders what happened, 'cause I never returned anymore


Heads/Sides Promenade and Travel Halfway and go
Walk in a Right and Left Thru – You turn that girl you know
Flutterwheel Across and you Sweep ¼ more
Pass Thru – Slide Thru
Square Thru  - Go 3 – that Corner Lady Swing
Swing that Corner – Promenade around that ring
With eyes black as midnight he made my heart skip a beat 


Allemande Left and Swing your own
He wonders what happened, 'cause I never returned anymore