Lion Sleeps Tonight – Kids Cut RIV 426   Tim Marriner

INTRO wait 8 counts

Eight to the middle and come right back

Circle Left -
In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight

Circle Right – In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight

Four Boys Left Hand Star go Full around

Now Promenade your Partner Full around

Weee dee dee dee wheum bum boeh,

*Hush my darling, don’t fear my darling, the lion sleeps tonight.

**In the village the peaceful village, the lion sleeps tonight.

Heads (Sides) Right Hand Star full around
as the lion sleeps tonight

Sides (Heads) Left Hand Star full around as the lion sleeps tonight

Now Heads Pass Thru and Promenade home wheum bum boeh

Now Sides Pass Thru and Promenade home wheum bum boeh


8 to the middle and back… wheum bum boeh