Pickle Up A Doodle
Female version
Caller Name
Linda Rawlinson

Circle Left
Well did you ever hear the story of Belinda Onlyque
She was courted by the devil and she don’t know what to do

Left Allemande that corner girl and Turn your partner right
Go back and Allemdande left your corner and Weave the ring tonight
Well he came a courtin’ every evening, a-ha!
With a ho double hoop shaw riggle laba dope and the
Doodle and the daddle and the puff of my smoke
And the heaping and the huffing and the chicken and the choking
And the pickle up a doodle In the middle of the day

Break Lyrics

So Belinda got to thinking she would be the devil’s wife
It was better that than being an old maid all her life

Closer Lyrics

So the devil took Belinda and he claimed her with a kiss
And no one’s ever seen her from that fatal day to this
He won’t come a-courtin’ in the evening, a-ha.
With a ho double hoop shaw riggle laba dope and the
Doodle and the daddle and the puff of my smoke
And the heaping and the huffing and the chicken and the choking
And the pickle up a doodle In the middle of the day


Well now the Head [Side] two couples Promenade, go half around that floor
The Side [Head] couples Square Thru and I think he said “four”
It’s all the way around the ring and then go Right & Left Thru
Do an 8-Chain Six and cross the big wide wicked world
Oh when that devil comes a courtin’, a-ha
With number seven Swing and sway, you Promenade go ‘round that way
Get her back, get her back home, I say,
And a pickle up a doodle in the middle of the day


In the middle of the day, a-ha!