White Lightning Caller Name
Nelda Eaton

Circle Left
In North Carolina way back in those hills
Lived my old pappy, he had him a still

Men Star Right, you roll it one time and then
Allemande Left that Corner then you Weave that Ring
Well he brewed white lightnin’ ‘till the sun came down
Swing your girl and then Promenade her around
Lightning started flashing, thunder started crashing
<Hic*>... shhh... White lightning!

Break Lyrics

I asked my pappy why he called his brew
White lightnin’ instead of mountain dew
Well, I took a little sip; right away I knew
My eyes bugged out, my face turned blue.
Mighty, mighty pleasin’, Pappy’s gone squeezin’
<Hic*>... shhh... White lightning!


4 Boys Promenade, once inside you go
Get back home and Swing that girl, Swing the one you know
Join your hands and Circle Left, go 'round that ol' ring
Allemande Left your Corner, then Weave it as I sing
Well he brewed white lightnin’ ‘till the sun came down
Swing your girl and then Promenade her around
Mighty, mighty pleasin’, Pappy’s gone squeezin’
<Hic*>... shhh... White lightning!


Heads/Sides Promenade and travel Halfway and then
Down the middle, Right & Left Thru, turn that girl my friend
Flutterwheel across and then you Sweep 1/4 more
Pass Thru, Step to a Wave for sure
Swing Thru and then Boys Trade, Boys Run
Wrong Way Promenade that lady home for fun
Lightning started flashing, thunder started crashing
<Hic*>... shhh... White lightning!


Allemande Left your Corner, Swing your own
<Hic*>... shhh... White lightning!