Thanks To You Caller Name
Brent Mawdsley

Sides Face, Grand Square
Since I was a little boy, I’ve always loved to sing
But I never knew, the good times it would bring
Standing here in front of you means all the world to me
For if you were not here tonight, this moment could not be

4 Ladies Promenade inside the ring
Get back home, Swing and Promenade
You’re the air that I breathe, you’re all I’ll ever need
Thanks to you, I’m doing what I do!


Four Ladies Chain, across the ring you go
Rollaway, Circle Left go walking ‘round you know
4 Ladies Rollaway and Circle Left in time
Allemande Left your Corner girl and Weave around the Ring
Thanks to you, I'm doing what I do
Swing your lady all around and Promenade her too
You’re the air that I breathe, you’re all I’ll ever need
Thanks to you, I’m doing what I do!


Heads (sides) Promenade Halfway around the ring
Down the middle and Square Thru 4 hands you sing
All the way, make a wave and Swing Thru you do
Don’t stop, Spin the Top, and do a Right & Left Thru
Slide Thru, Pass Thru, Trade By, and then
Swing the Corner girl around and Promenade
You’re the air that I breathe, you’re all I’ll ever need
Thanks to you, I’m doing what I do!


Thanks to you, I’m doing what I do!