All I Want For Christmas
(Is My Two Front Teeth)
Caller Name
Ko  Iwata

Circle Left
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth
My two front teeth, my two front teeth

Allemande Left your Corner lady, DoSaDo
Left Allemande and Weave the Ring, go
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth
Swing...and all Promenade
Gee, if I could only have my two front teeth
Then I could wish you Merry Christmas

Break Lyrics

'...' placed here means 'repeat the corresponding line of the opener section'
Lyrics Go Here

Closer Lyrics

'...' placed here means 'repeat the corresponding line of the opener section'
Lyrics Go Here

FIGURE (1, 2, 4)

Heads/Sides Square Thru, 4 hands you go
Find your Corner lady, DoSaDo her
Swing Thru and then, Spin The Top
Boys move up, Recycle
Sweep 1/4, Reverse Half Sashay
Swing...and all Promenade
Gee, if I could only have my two front teeth
Then I could wish you Merry Christmas


Sides Face, Grand Square
It's been so long since I could say
"Sister Susie sittin' on a thistle"
Gosh, oh gee, how happy I'd be
If I could only whistle!

Sides Star Thru, California Twirl
All Box the Gnat, Swing, Promenade
Gee, if I could only have my two front teeth
Then I could wish you Merry Christmas


Then I could wish you Merry Christmas