The Farmer Caller Name
Heather Reynolds

Circle Left
My Mamma she would bake, apple pie and currant cake
My Daddy he would tie the sheaves of corn

Left Allemande your Corner, turn your Partner by the Right
Allemande Left with your corner and Weave that ring
I was a young girl when I sowed the fields of barley
Swing your partner round and Promenade
And a farmer I have lived, and a farmer I will die
And I wouldn't have it any other way

Break Lyrics

My husband, kids and I settled down to country life,
And farming ways were changing rapidly

Closer Lyrics

And now my pride and joy are my sons and their wee boys
Calving cows and liming sheep as day is dawnin’


Heads (Sides) Promenade, Halfway round the ring
Down the middle and Pass the Ocean there,
Extend, Girls Trade,
Swing Thru and Boys Run Right
Bend the Line & Square Thru FIVE
I was a young girl when I sowed the fields of barley
Take your corner’s hand and promenade back home
And a farmer I have lived, and a farmer I will die
And I wouldn't have it any other way


And I wouldn't have it any other way