Kiss Me Goodnight Sergeant Major
Dedicated to Top Sgt Wright and Senior Flight Sgt William Wright and all E8s
Caller Name
Bob Farnell

Sides face, Grand Square
Kiss me goodnight, Sergeant-Major
Tuck me in my little wooden bed
We all love you, Sergeant-Major,
When we hear you bawling,

Circle Left!
Don't forget to wake me in the morning
Swing Your Lady Round and Promenade
Kiss me goodnight Sergeant-Major
Sergeant-Major, be a mother to me


Square Thru Four hands round the ring you Go
DoSaDo With the Corner Waiting there
Star Thru and then Pass the Ocean
Swing Thru and then Spin the Top
Square Thru to Three in the Morning
Swing Your Corner then you'll Promenade
Kiss me goodnight Sergeant-Major
Sergeant-Major, be a mother to me


Oh, Sergeant Major be a mother to me!