North To Alaska Caller Name
Ken Burke

Way up North...Way up North...
North to Alaska! Go North, the rush is on!


4 Ladies Chain, straight across you roam
You Chain 'em back, a little Southeast of Nome
Join all your hands, let's Circle Left go 'round
Left Allemande, come on! Weave around that town
Where the river is windin' big nuggets they're findin'
Swing & whirl, take her by the hand and Promenade
Way up North...way up North...
North to Alaska! Go North, the rush is on!


4 Ladies (Men) Promenade, go once inside the ring
Get on home and give your man (gal) a great big Swing
Join all of your hands, let's Circle Left go 'round
Allemande on the ol' Left hand and Weave around that Ring
Where the river is windin' big nuggets they're findin'
North to Alaska! Go North, the rush is on!
Way up North...way up North...
North to Alaska! Go North, the rush is on!


Heads/Sides Square Thru...
And a Right & Left Thru and turn 'em on around
Let's Swing Thru and then, Spin The Top for me
Boys walk up and Square Thru go 3
Three hands around the ring man...the Corner lady Swing
Swing & whirl the Corner girl, take her by the hand and Promenade
Way up North...way up North
North to Alaska! Go North, the rush is on!


North to Alaska! Go North, the rush is on! AayeeO!