(I Wanna Be)
Caller Name
Lawrence Johnstone

Circle Left
I wanna be seduced
Want a woman to take me out to dinner for two

Boys Star Right and you go, one time you know
Left Allemande and Weave
I want to see her eyes get moody
Swing that girl and you Promenade back home
Flirtin' with the thought of what flirtin' ought to do

Closer Lyrics

I wanna be seduced
Want a woman to talk to me suggestively
Want her to make me laugh
Make a point of touching me when she talks
I know it only happens when I'm napping
Nodding in a reverie
That I find myself a woman who wouldn't mind seducing me

Note: Closer lyrics wrap over into the song tag — underline indicates divider between end of closer and start of tag.


4 Ladies Chain that ring
Half Sashay that lady, Circle Left I sing
4 Ladies Rollaway, you Circle that way
Left Allemande and Weave
Like to be real cool
Swing that girl and you Promenade home
But I'm relatively certain I'd compromise if I know me


Heads/Sides Pass Thru, Separate...
Around 1 to a Line, Pass Thru
Tag the Line, all the way, Track 2
Explode the Wave, Chase Right
Boy Run Right, Slide Thru
Swing the Corner girl and Promenade
I'd like to find a woman who wouldn't mind seducing me


(Included in closer lyrics above)
That I find myself a woman who wouldn't mind seducing me