Chasin' That Neon Rainbow RIV 1003
Ted Clements


Circle Left
*Daddy has a radio, He won it 30 years ago
Left Allemande that corner,  turn your partner by the right
Left Allemande and weave it tonight  
Chasin’ that neon rainbow
Swing and promenade for me
Chasin’ that neon rainbow, livin’ that Honky Tonk Dream

Break Lyrics

*Momma used to sing to me,  She taught me that sweet harmony

Closer Lyrics

*An atlas and a coffee cup, Five pickers and an old Dodge truck


Heads Square thru and count me 4 now
With those sides you make a right hand star
Head star by the  left one time around
Back to same two,  slide thru
Square thru count me 3 hands now
Swing the corner girl and promenade
Chasin’ that neon rainbow, livin’ that Honky Tonk Dream


Living That Honky Tonk dream!